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Why You Need to Read This Blog

Because I’m right there with you – just a regular woman, who wants to be healthy, with kids and a family who make it harder than hell. You and I both know it’s easier to whip together a box of .39 mac n cheese or drive thru McDonald’s on a busy day. Some days we’ll be SuperMom and some days we’ll SuperSuck, but every day will be worth it if we keep our end goals in mind.

So join me on the adventures, and misadventures, of being a FitMomma!

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5 Comments leave one →
  1. March 21, 2010 7:26 pm

    Hi Amy,

    Just saw your blog when joining facebook bookclub group. Love to see and hear your enthusiasm about good health. I share that same message with my friends, family and strangers continuously. Eating right, exercising and trying to decrease stress in my life has been a goal pretty much since I was about 17yrs old. The past 5 years have been even more focused on that due to my exposure to Juice Plus. I’ve been blessed to be able to gift health education to others about the importance of good nutrition to our overall health both short and long term. Prevention is key, right? There’s a great site by Dr. Stricker that has some great info you might like We need tools to help us bridge the gap b/w what most of us are eating every day and what we really should be eating! Keep sharing your message girl. I’d love to chat with you sometime outside of bookclub!

    • March 21, 2010 7:33 pm

      By the way, I do understand how hard it is to keep to your health goals each day or week…..I also have kids and a traveling husband. So several days each week, I am a “single mom” so to speak with the running from various school activities and sports. I’ve been a stay at home mom for over 10 years and have cherished every moment. I am fortunate that I have the time freedom to be there daily for my kids at home and school and wouldn’t trade these moments for anything. I also have worked in the corporate and non-profit world with previous jobs and think that the one we have now….being moms… the hardest thing we will ever do. Do what you can to keep your family healthy and that starts with health education for yourself. Keep inspiring and encouraging b/c everyone needs support!

  2. July 29, 2010 11:02 am

    Hi Amy,

    I found your fb page through another friend that shared it on her page. What a great group and blog you have going! Such inspiration you share! You mentioned at the top of the page if we had insight to share, you’d like to hear about it….

    My husband and I have recently lost 120+ lbs and I’m still going. 😉 Its brought so many great health changes with it (no more cpap machine, no more diabetic meds including daily injections, no more fungus/yeast probelms….). We’ve made changes in our eating (which I honestly had no idea that it contributed more than our exercise). But I love running now that I’m not so overweight and have more energy. I just didn’t know losing could be so easy. We believe in the plan so much we signed up to be health coaches for it and have new found interest in being healthy! Such a fun, great journey to be part of helping others lose and gain their health back. I’m happy to share the program with you if you’d like to share it with others that are following your blog and fb group. The doctor in charge of the program is on a massive mission to get America healthy and is paying coaches very well to do it. ;0) With having so much interest in helping others lose weight, exercise and get healthy, I thought you may also enjoy being a coach. Feel free to email me anytime and we can discuss it more if you have interest:

    You have such a great blog and fb group going! Thanks again for all your inspiration.

  3. October 23, 2010 7:06 pm

    Oh dear – it does seem we’re on similar paths. This social media/blog stuff is amazing in how it connects folks, eh? I’m not naturally healthy – it requires paying attention and purposeful effort – so this path has not been easy.

    Thanks again for sharing yourself with us ~~

    • October 25, 2010 9:29 am

      Kris, I think the longer you stick with it, the easier it gets. I had some basics instilled in me growing up, but in general, my food and (especially!) workout choices these days I had to learn on my own. I hope you can find some inspiration here…and please don’t hesitate to share!

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